Students Tilburg University

Central Complaints Desk

On this page you will find more information about the complaint procedure.


The definition of a complaint is the expression of dissatisfaction, e.g. you are not satisfied with the behavior of an individual teacher or employee or the quality of services provided.

Be aware of the distinction between an objection or appeal and a complaint:
You may submit a letter of objection or appeal if you disagree with an official decision or a response to a particular request made by an authority or body within the university. In other cases you may file a complaint.

See more information about


Before you want to file a complaint, it is preferable that you take the informal approach by talking to the person responsible for the problem and trying to find a satisfactory solution together. An academic advisor or Dean of Students may be able to offer advice. 

Specific complaints can be addressed directly to the right department, see below under 'specific complaints'. For example for (smaller) failures on campus, it is easier and quicker to report them via the facilities service desk. 

After a complaint is submitted online via OSIRIS, it will be forwarded to the appropriate authority or individual, which, in most cases, is the director of a service or school, or the head of the Education Office.

The student filing the complaint will get a confirmation of receipt in which he or she will be informed of the authority or individual assigned to handle their case. The authority or individual will be requested to process the complaint within six weeks of receipt and to send the student a letter of response. The Dean of students will keep an eye on the procedure.

Former or future students without a SNR can submit a complaint via e-mail. Send your complaint to:

It is not possible to file a complaint anonymously. Both sides of the argument need to be heard in order to ensure that a complaint is dealt with correctly.

Specific complaints

  • Complaints or malfunction/failure reports regarding air conditioning in buildings, blinds, cleaning services, lighting, doors, bathrooms, etc., should be submitted online to the Facility Services or call directly 013 – 466 3700.
  • Reports and suggestions about the library and IT facilities can be submitted online to the Library and IT Services
  • You can send your complaints about food, meals, restaurants, (opening times) coffee rooms etc. to
  • Complaints about the curriculum can also be directed to the relevant program committee or School council. This is especially advisable in cases where you are not the only student with this particular grievance.
  • Complaints about undesirable behavior, e.g. sexual harassment, bullying, or discrimination, you can contact one of the confidential advisors.

Submit a complaint*

*(only with SNR = student number)