De studentenpsychologen bieden kortdurende, doelgerichte hulp bij studie- en studeerproblemen en bij kortdurende persoonlijke problemen.

Student psychologist

The student psychologists offer short-term, goal-oriented help with study and study problems, short-term personal problems and guidance on problems that directly affect studies.

Which guidance is suitable for my situation? 

Student PsychologistGeneral Practitioner
Study related issues like fear of failure or stress. Prior existing issues on several areas of life such as study, work and private life.
Despite effort, study results are not satisfactory.
Short-term personal problems like feeling down or loneliness in the past couple of weeks or months. Long-term or severe personal problems. Like depressive symptoms during most of the week. 
Complaints that exist since 6 months which are not yet being seen/helped by a professional.Complaints that exist longer than a year or are recurring despite prior psychological guidance or therapy. 
Tension or anxiety with exams.Long-term anxiety or depression.
The feeling that everything is overwhelming. Thoughts about suicide or death. 
Feeling or thinking negatively.  A negative self-image.
Physical complaints without a clear physical cause. Complaints seemingly increase by having more stress or lifestyle choices. Long-term existing or severe problems with eating.
Addiction to alcohol and/or drugs.
Concentration issues, for example due to stress or difficulties at home. Traumatic experiences with flashbacks.
Lack of motivation, procrastination or other problems due to Giftedness.Giftedness is suspected, request for examination/diagnosis

Directly to the application form in Osiris  

Top 5 FAQ to the student psychologists:

I feel so stressed about / overwhelmed by my studies; what can I do to change this?
  • Try to create overview by planning and prioritizing all tasks.
  • Find a sustainable study routine so you can keep up with the work.
  • Find contact with friends, family and fellow students. 

On the webpage How do I take good care of myself and keep track of my studies, you will find the most common advice we give students to take good care of themselves and keep track of their studies.

Mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness or meditation can also help you deal with stress. More info about mindfulness can be found at:

Because I keep postponing everything, I am delaying my studies, how do I get rid of it?

Procrastination is a common problem among students. We have a web page with helpful advice for overcoming procrastination.

Check the webpage Fight procrastination

I feel lonely. Who can I talk to about this?

Social worker

The social worker at Tilburg University can provide extra support for problems you may encounter in everyday life that make studying difficult, but also offers a listening ear.

Check what the social worker can do for you

Student Pastorate

The student pastor is there for all students, regardless of their background.

Peer to peer group

Join one of the peer-to-peer groups. There is a peer-to-peer group for thesis writers, students with autism (ASD), students with ADHD, gifted students and students with long-COVID.

Perfectionism is affecting my life. What can I do about it?

The student psychologists at Tilburg University have developed an interactive training to help you deal with your perfectionism in a positive way. On this webpage you will find information (knowledge clip) about Positive Perfectionism, about the training and how to participate.

Read more on the Positive Perfectionism Training

I am not succeeding in writing my thesis, I keep getting stuck. How can I get back on track?

In the Back on Track consultation hour, you can discuss topics and questions about your thesis with the student psychologist and a staff member from the Scriptorium. 

Register for the Back on Track consultation

Apply for support

Do you have study-related complaints or short-term personal problems and would like to talk to a student psychologist? Then fill out the online application form. After application, Annabelle van Hooff, the Psychological Assistant, will contact you via your student email. So, keep an eye on your inbox.

Fill out the application form in Osiris   

Please note: PhD students can make an appointment with the PhD psychologist.

Help from the student psychologist

Depending on the nature of the request for help, there are a number of possibilities:

  • Sometimes a one-off advice and information session is sufficient. 
  • A short-term, individual counseling cycle of 1 up to a maximum of 5 sessions with the student psychologist is also possible. The number of sessions will depend on your request for help and on the progress of your issues. 
  • It may also be necessary to refer you to other care agencies for more specialized or longer-term help. In such cases you will always need a referral from your general practitioner. 


  • The advice (via e-mail) following your registration form is free of charge.
  • There is no personal contribution for individual meetings with the student psychologist. There is no charge.
  • The costs for a training course depend on the number of hours. The costs are clearly stated on the web page concerned. 

Questions or advice?

If you have any questions or would like advice by mail, please contact us by mail

If you have already had a conversation with one of our psychologists or with the psychological assistant, you can also contact them directly by e-mail.


The team of student psychologists consists of 3 GZ-psychologists (master’s degree in psychology and registered in the BIG-register), a psychologist (master’s degree in psychology) and a psychological assistant (bachelor's degree in applied psychology). All work according to the professional code of conduct from the Dutch Institute of Psychologists (NIP).

Our Student psychologists

When I think back on the conversations, I learned a lot. Now I focus more on the positive.

Human Resource Studies student

Student Support Roadmap

Who to turn to with what question?

Are you stuck in your studies, or do you have personal problems that affect your studies? Are you uncomfortable or do you experience a lot of stress? Are you unsure about your choice of study? Do you have a problem with your tuition fees? Or don't know what you want to do after you graduate? We are here to help you. Answer a few questions and you will immediately know who to contact for information, advice or guidance.