Tilburg University department Developmental Psychology

Publicaties Departement Ontwikkelingspsychologie

Hieronder staat een overzicht van de 20 meest recente publicaties van het Departement Ontwikkelingspsychologie.

Alle publicaties van het Departement Ontwikkelingspsychologie

  1. Virtual day - A VR game for evaluation of prospective memory in older adults (2024)

    Alimardani, M., Morera, G., & Hering, A. (2024). Virtual day: A VR game for evaluation of prospective memory in older adults. 963-964. Poster session presented at 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Orlando, Florida, United States.
  2. Treatment-related targets and potential obstacles in offender rehabilitation (2024)

    Jankovic, M. (2024). Treatment-related targets and potential obstacles in offender rehabilitation. Ridderprint.
  3. Measuring global character dimensions - An ant colony optimization approach toward three core strength scales (2024)

    Partsch, M. V., Olaru, G., & Lechner, C. M. (2024). Measuring global character dimensions: An ant colony optimization approach toward three core strength scales. Journal of Personality Assessment.
  4. Does realizing strengths, insight, and behavioral practice through a psychological intervention promote personality change? - An intensive longitudinal study (2024)

    Allemand, M., Olaru, G., Stieger, M., & Flueckiger, C. (2024). Does realizing strengths, insight, and behavioral practice through a psychological intervention promote personality change? An intensive longitudinal study. European Journal of Personality.
  5. A focus group study for the design of a web-based tool for improving problem-solving in older adults (2024)

    Cipolletta, S., Signorello, D., Zuppiroli, S., Hering, A., Ballhausen, N., Mioni, G., Kliegel, M., Gaspari, M., & Stablum, F. (2024). A focus group study for the design of a web-based tool for improving problem-solving in older adults. European Journal of Ageing, 21(1), Article 19.
  6. A longitudinal study on the association between trait mindfulness and maternal bonding across the perinatal period (2024)

    Boekhorst, M. G. B. M., de Waal, N., Smit, L., Hulsbosch, L. P., van den Heuvel, M. I., Schwabe, I., Pop, V., & Nyklíček, I. (2024). A longitudinal study on the association between trait mindfulness and maternal bonding across the perinatal period. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Advance online publication.
  7. Assessing time-based prospective memory online - A comparison study between laboratory-based and web-based testing (2024)

    Laera, G., Hering, A., & Kliegel, M. (2024). Assessing time-based prospective memory online: A comparison study between laboratory-based and web-based testing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Advance online publication.
  8. BAMBOO for Refugees—A culturally sensitive positive psychology intervention - A protocol for a pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (2024)

    Hendriks, T., de Jong, J., Hassankhan, A., & van Woerkom, M. (2024). BAMBOO for Refugees—A culturally sensitive positive psychology intervention: A protocol for a pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. Advance online publication.
  9. Does sports participation affect the mediating role of impulsivity in the association between adverse childhood experiences and aggression? (2024)

    Jankovic, M., van Boxtel, G., & Bogaerts, S. (2024). Does sports participation affect the mediating role of impulsivity in the association between adverse childhood experiences and aggression? Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1234910.
  10. Examining sense of purpose and conscientiousness as unique correlates of health - A bifactor examination (2024)

    Hill, P. L., Olaru, G., & Allemand, M. (2024). Examining sense of purpose and conscientiousness as unique correlates of health: A bifactor examination. Journal of Health Psychology. Advance online publication.
  11. Exploring within-person variability in qualitative negative and positive Emotional Granularity by means of Latent Markov Factor Analysis (2024)

    Schmitt, M. C., Vogelsmeier, L. V. D. E., Erbaş, Y., Stuber, S., & Lischetzke, T. (2024). Exploring within-person variability in qualitative negative and positive Emotional Granularity by means of Latent Markov Factor Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research. Advance online publication.
  12. Family functioning, identity commitments, and school value among ethnic minority and ethnic majority adolescents (2024)

    Mastrotheodoros, S., Hillekens, J., Miklikowska, M., Palladino, B. E., & Lionetti, F. (2024). Family functioning, identity commitments, and school value among ethnic minority and ethnic majority adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53(6), 1323-1340.
  13. From the COVID-19 lockdown to the new normal: Two-year changes in daily stress and positive event processes (2024)

    Klaiber, P., van Roekel, E., DeLongis, A., & Sin, N. L. (2024). From the COVID-19 lockdown to the new normal: Two-year changes in daily stress and positive event processes. Stress and Health, n/a(n/a), e3423. Advance online publication.
  14. Identity and personality pathology in adult forensic psychiatric patients and healthy controls (2024)

    Tressová, D., De Caluwé, E., & Bogaerts, S. (2024). Identity and personality pathology in adult forensic psychiatric patients and healthy controls. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
  15. Intervention-related correlated change between personality traits and self-esteem. (2024)

    Allemand, M., Olaru, G., Stieger, M., & Flückiger, C. (2024). Intervention-related correlated change between personality traits and self-esteem. Consulting Psychology Journal. Advance online publication.
  16. Nightly sleep predicts next-morning expectations for stress and positive experiences (2024)

    Wen, J. H., Klaiber, P., Leger, K. A., Hill, P. L., Pfund, G. N., Slavish, D. C., Delongis, A., & Sin, N. L. (2024). Nightly sleep predicts next-morning expectations for stress and positive experiences. Psychosomatic Medicine, 86(4), 261-271.
  17. Overt and subtle discrimination and psychological well-being - Examining the mediating and moderating role of ethnic-racial identity among emerging adults (2024)

    Aral, T., Ceccon, C., de Moor, E. L., Tang, Y., Osinga, M., Fishere, M., & Syed, M. (2024). Overt and subtle discrimination and psychological well-being: Examining the mediating and moderating role of ethnic-racial identity among emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood, 12(3), 410-425.
  18. Personality maturation through sense of mastery? Longitudinal evidence from two education‐to‐work transition studies (2024)

    Reitz, A. K., den Boer, L., van Scheppingen, M. A., & Diwan, K. (2024). Personality maturation through sense of mastery? Longitudinal evidence from two education‐to‐work transition studies. Journal of Personality, 92(1), 261-277.
  19. Positive event diversity - Relationship with personality and well-being (2024)

    Klaiber, P., Hill, P. L., Almeida, D. M., DeLongis, A., & Sin, N. L. (2024). Positive event diversity: Relationship with personality and well-being. Journal of Personality. Advance online publication.
  20. Purposeful and purposeless aging - Structural issues for sense of purpose and their implications for predicting life outcomes. (2024)

    Pfund, G. N., Olaru, G., Allemand, M., & Hill, P. L. (2024). Purposeful and purposeless aging: Structural issues for sense of purpose and their implications for predicting life outcomes. Developmental Psychology, 60(1), 75-93.