Karin Stalenhoef_alumna Supply Chain Management

Application and admission Supply Chain Management - national procedure

This is the national application and admission procedure for the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management.

Please read before continuing

Are you applying with a Bachelor's diploma obtained in the Netherlands? 

Then you must follow the national procedure below.


Follow the procedure below

Are you applying with a Bachelor's diploma from a non-Dutch educational institution*?

Then you must follow the international procedure.


Go to the international procedure

*including Suriname, Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba

a) Check your eligibility

Students of Tilburg University

The following TiSEM Bachelor's make you eligible to the Master's program in Supply Chain Management:

  • Bedrijfseconomie
  • International Business Administration
  • Economics
  • Econometrics and Operations Research
  • Economie en Bedrijfseconomie
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation
  • Fiscale Economie

Check the Overview Admission for TiSEM Bachelors for the specific entry requirements to each Master's program.

The following TiSEM pre-Master’s programs make you eligible to the Master's program in Supply Chain Management:

  • Pre-Master Supply Chain Management HBO

Bachelor’s students of other Tilburg University schools

Some programs at Tilburg University give access to a tailor made individual deficiency program (during the bachelor), or to an academic pre-master:

  • Organisatie- en Managementwetenschappen / Organization and Management studies
  • Psychologie / Psychology
  • Sociologie / Sociology
  • Personeelswetenschappen / Human Resource Studies
  • Global Management of Social Issues

The admission requirements for these Bachelor's programs are as shown in this overview.

You can contact the education coordinator of the Master’s program in Supply Chain Management for more information about your eligibility.

Students of other Dutch universities

If you have a degree from one of the following programmes at a Dutch university you are directly admissible:

  • B Bedrijfseconomie / B Business Economics (CROHO: 50750)
  • B Bedrijfskunde (CROHO: 50645)
  • B International Business Administration (CROHO: 50952)
  • B Business Administration (CROHO: 50897)
  • B Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (CROHO: 50950)
  • B Economics and Business Economics (CROHO: 59318)
  • B International Business (CROHO: 50019)
  • B Fiscale Economie (CROHO: 56402)
  • B Economics (CROHO: 56401)
  • B Econometrie & Operationele Research (CROHO: 56833)
  • B Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation  (CROHO: 59340)

If you have not followed one of the above mentioned programs, you must have a solid academic basis in the following areas in order to qualify for the Master's in Supply Chain Management program:

  • Management and Organization (6 ECTS)
  • Economics (6 ECTS)
  • Supply Chain Management (6 ECTS) / Operations Management (6 ECTS)/ Operations Research (12 ECTS)
  • Statistics (6 ECTS)
  • (Other) Mathematics (6 ECTS)
  • Research methods and Academic Training (6 ECTS)
    Academic training means courses / experience in research skills and an academic way of working. E.g. if you have written a thesis or have done a research project this will count as academic training.

The requirements mentioned above are indicative. 

The final assessment lies with the Admissions Committee, for which they need the transcript(s) of your Bachelor’s program and relevant course descriptions of courses in the fields mentioned above. See under c), Step 2: Continue your application in our online application system below on this page.

Students of a Dutch university of applied sciences (hbo)

Students with a Bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences (hbo) in the Netherlands are required to complete the pre-Master's program Supply Chain Management prior to entering the Master's program.

Students have been admitted to the pre-Master's program with the following Dutch hbo Bachelor's:

  • Accountancy
  • Bedrijfseconomie
  • Bedrijfskunde 
  • Bedrijfskunde en agri(food)business
  • Bedrijfsmanagement MKB
  • Commercieel Management
  • Commerciële Economie/Speco CE
  • Finance and Control
  • Finance Tax & Advise
  • Financial Services Management
  • Global Project and Change Management 
  • International Business 
  • Logistiek & Economie
  • Logistics Engineering
  • Logistics Management
  • Technische Bedrijfskunde

You can get an indication of your eligibility to all TiSEM pre-Master's in the overview eligibility hbo to pre-Master's programs.

GPA requirement

The GPA is a compulsory qualitative admission requirement for the pre-Master’s program Supply Chain Management. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is an internationally recognized calculation used to determine the average result of grades achieved throughout your Program. The required minimum GPA for applicants is 7.0. 
You include all the grades obtained so far in your last three years of your hbo bachelor. Grades of your first year are not taken into account. A rating other than a grade, such as an exemption, a Pass or a V, will not be taken into account.

How can I calculate my GPA?

We advise to use this Excel form to calculate and hand in your GPA. 
The GPA is calculated as follows: 

  1. Applicable exam result x ECTS = Quality Points (QP) 
  2. Total number of Quality Points obtained / Total number of ECTS obtained = average exam result.

For example: 
Course A is 15 ECTS, your grade is an 8: 8 x 15 = 120 QP
Course B is 7.5, ECTS your grade is a 7: 7 x 7.5 = 52.5 QP
Course C is 9 ECTS, your grade is a 6: 6 x 9 = 54 QP

Total QP = 120 + 52.5 + 54 = 226.5
Total ECTS = 15 + 7.5 + 9 = 31.5

GPA = 226.5 / 31.5 = 7.19

Your GPA is 7.19; you meet the GPA requirement.

Two variants of the premaster

There are two variants of the pre-master: Fast track, a half-year pre-master's program that starts in September and concludes in January, and Regular track, a one-year pre-master's program available in either September or February. The admission requirements are the same for both variants.

b) Consider the deadlines

When applying for this program, please make sure that your application package, including all necessary documents, reaches us before the deadline that applies to you.

Students of Tilburg University

Starting end of August with the Master's program

Deadline for application: before August 1

Starting end of January with the Master's program

Deadline for application: before January 1

Please note that the Pre-Master's program starts only end of August.

Students of other Dutch universities

Starting end of August with the Master's program

Deadline for application: before August 1

Starting end of January with the Master's program

Deadline for application: before January 1

Please note that the Pre-Master's program starts only end of August.

Students of a Dutch university of applied sciences (hbo)

Starting end of August with the Fast track (half-year) or Regular track (one-year) pre-Master's program:

Deadline for application: before August 1 

Starting end of January with the Regular track (one-year) pre-Master's program:

Deadline for application: before January 1

c) Follow the procedure for national applicants

Step 1: Register in Studielink

You will not receive information about your application and admission until you have registered in Studielink. Therefore we advise you to register in Studielink as soon as possible. Studielink opens on October 1st.

For applicants with a degree of Tilburg University or another Dutch university:

  • The name of this Master's program in Studielink:
    M Supply Chain Management (croho: 60093)

Register in Studielink

For applicants with a degree of a Dutch university of applied sciences (hbo):

  • The name of the pre-Master's program in Studielink:
    In English: B Tax Economics (premaster Supply Chain Management HBO)
    In Dutch: B Fiscale Economie (premaster Supply Chain Management HBO)

Register in Studielink

Enter an e-mail address in Studielink that you use regularly. Tilburg University sends you important information at this address to complete your registration. Please read the documentation in the e-mail carefully and check your mailbox (and junk mail) regularly.

Step 2: Continue your application in our online application system

This step is not applicable:

  • If you are directly admissible with your (hbo) Bachelor's or pre-Master's program. In this case you only need to register in Studielink. Please continue to Step 3: Admissions Committee's decision.
  • See the tabs “Students of Tilburg University” and “Students of a Dutch university of applied sciences (hbo)” under the heading Check your eligibility at the top of this webpage for an overview of (hbo) Bachelor’s programs that make you directly admissible.

In all other cases, you must continue your application in OSIRIS Aanmeld, our online application system, after you have registered in Studielink.

Application in OSIRIS Aanmeld

Within 1 week of your registration in Studielink, you will receive two e-mails from Tilburg University.  

  • One e-mail contains your Tilburg University account details (your student number and Tilburg University e-mail address). You will not need these details for your application, but please save them carefully, as you will need them at a later stage.
  • The other e-mail contains your OSIRIS Aanmeld account details as well as information on how you can start your application in OSIRIS Aanmeld. If you have not received this e-mail within 1 week of your registration in Studielink, please contact your Education Coordinator.

Upload your documents

Please collect the requested documents and upload them in pdf-format.  

  • Grades list (Transcript of Records) 
    This is an official list from your University of the courses you have taken in your Bachelor's degree, with the grades you have achieved. 
  • Course list template MSc Supply Chain Management (full descriptions of relevant courses)  
    This is a description of the content of each course you took as part of your previous degree which is relevant to your application for this program. 

Depending on your exact educational background more documents might be required. You will see exactly which documents you need to upload once you have filled out the necessary details in Osiris Aanmeld.  

Submit your application before the deadline as stated above

If you submit your application either close to or on the deadline, but have not uploaded the correct documents, Tilburg University reserves the right not to process your application.

After submitting your application

Our Admissions Committee will check that your application is complete, according to the requirements above. 

If your documents are not complete, you will be asked to submit any missing or replace any illegible document(s).  

You can check your application status anytime you log in to your account in OSIRIS Aanmeld. 

Step 3: Admissions Committee's decision

Admissions Committee's decision

Within four to six weeks after your application package is complete, you will receive the decision of the Admissions Committee by e-mail. 

You will receive an e-mail with a letter stating the outcome of your admission request and information about the rest of the admission procedure.

There are three possibilities:

  • A. (Conditionally) accepted to the Master's program
    If you are conditionally accepted, this means that you are admitted to our Master's program, provided that you upload the originals or certified copies of your documents.
  • B. (Conditionally) accepted to a pre-Master's program
    It is possible that you do not completely fulfill the requirements. If this is the case, we may offer you a pre-Master's program to prepare you for the Master's program, provided that you upload the originals or certified copies of your documents.
  • C.  Rejected
    If you do not fulfill the admission requirements, your application will be rejected. We will notify you by e-mail.
Step 4: Admitted, what's next?

Congratulations on being admitted to Tilburg University, either conditionally or unconditionally! 

You may be wondering what the next steps are. To ensure a smooth (and stress-free) start of your studies, we have prepared a timeline to give you an overview of the things you need to arrange before the start of your studies. 

On the timeline you can find information about:  

  • Completing your enrollment  
  • Paying your tuition fees 
  • Tips on finding accommodation (if applicable) 
  • Books and schedule 
  • Introduction activities like TOP week and your (mandatory) Study Program Introduction

Go to the Welcome page

Do you have any questions?

Please feel free to contact us for your personal queries. You can contact us on every page of the Master's website.