three students in a row listening

Nt2 Intermediate (intensive course)

In this intensive course, you will rapidly build your knowledge of Dutch. You expand your vocabulary to over 4,500 words and learn all kinds of idiomatic expressions. You do this, as in the Nt2 Beginners course, using texts from the Delft method, which you study online step by step. Grammar is implicitly offered through these texts, further developing your sense of language. You will apply what you have learned in numerous conversations in Dutch.

The emphasis in class is on speaking skills. You talk with the lecturer and fellow students and give short presentations on various topics. You practice writing and correcting longer texts with a clear structure. Together with additional reading and listening assignments, they help to further develop your skills. 

Mandatory intake

Would you like to enter the intermediate course? Then you will take an intake test. The test takes a maximum of an hour and a half and gives an indication of your level of the Dutch language. The intake test is followed by an interview in Dutch with one of our lecturers.   The lecturer determines whether there is a match between your profile and the Language Center courses and, if so, at what level you can start.

Do you have to learn the Dutch language because you are obliged to participate in a civic integration program? Then you can apply for a DUO loan for our intensive course. Are you obliged to participate in a civic integration program after January 1, 2022? Then you will first receive a recommendation from the municipality. The municipality can then enroll you in our Language and Preparatory Program.   

By the end of the course, you will have reached level B1 of the European Framework of Reference. You will then be able to:

  • understand and write Dutch texts at B1 level;
  • have a vocabulary of 4,300 words;
  • share experiences and events from the past;
  • exchange dreams, ambitions and plans for the future;
  • give and receive instructions and advice on e.g., social norms, daily activities;
  • communicate with institutions such as a municipality or the secretariat of an educational institution;
  • define and argue your point of view on everyday and social issues;
  • understand the differences and similarities between your own culture and that of Dutch-speaking countries and make them comprehensible to others to promote communication.
  • advance to the Nt2 Advanced course or the Academic pre-Bachelor. 


  • This course is taught entirely on campus. For assignments outside of class, you will need a PC or laptop at home with a stable Internet connection, a working webcam, and a headset or microphone. See the recommended hardware requirements.
  • 80% attendance is required. Lessons are not recorded for later viewing.  
  • The language of instruction in the course is Dutch.  
  • Language learning takes time! In this course, you are expected to spend 8 hours a week on independent study.  
  • The Language Center reserves the right to cancel the course should enrollment numbers prove to be insufficient.
  • To participate in the final exam, you must have attended at least 80% of the classes and turned in at least 80% of the writing assignments.
  • The price of the textbook is included in the course fee. You will receive the course materials during the first class.

Nt2 Intermediate in short

Duration and course format

Kick-off session followed by 30 lessons of three hours, minimum 15-20 hours of independent study per week, 12 ECTS


From A2 to B1 (European Framework of Reference)


(incl. exams and reserve classes)

  • August 26, 2024 until November 25, 2024 
    • (de-)registration possible until August 16, 2024
  • December 9, 2024 until March 21, 2025
    •  (de-)registration possible until November 27, 2024
  • April 7, 2025 until July 11, 2025
    •  (de-)registration possible until March 26, 2025

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Classes are in the morning or in the afternoon.

Course fee (including course materials)
  • Staff Tilburg University: the first Dutch course is free of charge for the employee, but will be paid by the School/Service. If you have already participated in a Dutch course at the Language Center, you pay € 1,525
  • Alumni Tilburg University: € 1,525
  • Students  Tilburg University: 12 Language Vouchers (course materials not included)
    Course fee for students without Language Vouchers: € 924 (course materials not included)
  • External participants: € 1,685
LevelFrom A2 to B1 (Common European Framework of Reference)
Read moreCourse information and timetable


This course is intended for everyone who is highly educated. This means that you have a sufficiently high level of education or have had a minimum of 12 years of education.

Student at Tilburg University
  • On the page cashing in language vouchers, you can find, amongst other things, more information about how to register if you have no vouchers or insufficient vouchers, registration for an intensive Nt2 course and the registration period.
  • Note: Would you like to register for an intensive Dutch as a Second Language course, you should send a motivational letter to the coordinator

Read our conditions before registration.

Staff member at Tilburg University
  • The first Dutch course will be covered by the School/Service. If you have already participated in a Dutch course at the Language Center, you can join this language course at a reduced rate. The fees can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form.
  • Registration is possible from the moment the timetable for the course is available.

Read our conditions before registration.

Alumnus of Tilburg University
  • Tilburg University alumni can take this language course at a reduced rate. The costs can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form.
  • Registration is possible from the moment the timetable for the course is available.

Read our conditions before registration.

External participant
  • Highly educated non-native speakers from outside Tilburg University are eligible for this language course. The costs can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form.
  • Registration is possible from the moment the timetable for the course is available.

Read our conditions before registration.