oplevering mindlabs gebouw

Brain and Behavior Lab

The Brain and Behavior Lab in MindLabs is a place to study human cognition. The lab provides equipment for measuring both the electrophysiological aspects of cognitive processing (EEG) and behavioral aspects, using eye tracking and reaction times.

The Brain and Behavior Lab is located on the ground floor of the MindLabs building and was set up with funding by the Municipality of Tilburg. The lab is managed by Tilburg University’s Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence.


The Brain and Behavior lab provides:

  • Equipment to record brain waves using electroencephalography (EEG) : 
    • G-nautilus: EEG headset designed for easy setup and wearability. Delivers top-notch recordings even in dynamic or noisy surroundings. Ideal for capturing EEG data in various settings like cars, airplanes, flight simulators, and high-gravity simulation environments for pilots and astronauts.
    • Unicorns Hybrid Black: premium wireless EEG headset tailored for brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, to flawlessly capture brainwaves. Allows to acquire and process brain signals, and to design and control attached devices or interact with e.g., artistic installations, toys, computer programs or applications. The Unicorn hybrid EEG electrodes offer the flexibility to record either dry or with gel.
    • BioSemi: cutting-edge instrumentation for electrophysiology research granting maximum configurability and flexibility in integrating the hardware and software into the laboratory setup. 
  • Equipment to detect a person’s eye gaze and follow what they are looking at in real-time:
    • Eyelink 1000 Plus: research-grade eye tracker that can sample to up 2000 Hz. It can be used with head support or remotely, which means that the head remains free to move. It can be integrated with other devices such as EEG.

Research projects

Some of the research currently taking place in this lab:

EEG & Virtual reality

Attention, memory & consciousness

Brain computer interfaces

  • Investigating the Effect of ADHD on a Gamified Brain Computer Interface Task
  • Exploring emotions, synchrony and music

Computational modeling

  • Computational modeling of reading

Intended users

The Brain and Behavior Lab can be used by Tilburg University staff and students and by partners associated with MindLabs. Use of the lab is only allowed with the permission of the lab coordinator. In some cases, the presence of an authorized supervisor is also required.


If you are interested in using the lab and would like to discuss the options, please contact lab coordinator Faezeh Pour Hashemi, or Lab supervisors Harm BrouwerMyrthe Faber.