Students Tilburg University

Motor impairments

Rheumatism, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury, spasticity and RSI/CANS are examples of motor impairments that limit you in moving forward, sitting down, walking, changing posture, balance and arm/hand function.

For people with such a condition, very simple things such as a revolving door or a staircase can cause major problems. Often these problems can be solved fairly easily, for example with the help of a fellow student, but you should not assume that this will happen without question. Therefore, it is important to find a permanent solution for these types of problems within the university so that you are not dependent on this help.

Motor impairments often affect overall functioning as well. The disability often takes a lot of extra work/effort leaving less energy/time for studying.

Pfeiffer's disease and other (chronic) illnesses can also seriously slow down your studies due to lack of energy and fatigue.

Together with the education coordinator, you can find out what adjustments are needed in education and buildings to improve the (educational) situation. For an overview of possible facilities, go to the facilities page.

Do you have questions about facilities, want advice on regulations or practical tips on how to organize your studies if you suffer from a disability? Then contact the education coordinator of your faculty!