prof. dr. Peter Achterberg

Full Professor

TSB: Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
TSB: Department of Sociology


Recent publications

  1. The dimensionality of vaccination intentions - One strain or multiple…

    Matthijssen, M. A. M., van Leeuwen, F., Cloin, M., van de Goor, I., & Achterberg, P. (2024). The dimensionality of vaccination intentions: One strain or multiple strains? Health Psychology, 43(7), 539-549.
  2. Wetenschap tussen alle instituties

    Achterberg, P. (2023). Wetenschap tussen alle instituties. Mens en Maatschappij, 98(3), 260-263.
  3. Between left and right - A discourse network analysis of Universal Ba…

    Gielens, E., Roosma, F., & Achterberg, P. (2023). Between left and right: A discourse network analysis of Universal Basic Income on Dutch Twitter. Journal of Social Policy, 11(10).
  4. More than a free lunch - A content analysis of the controversies surr…

    Gielens, E., Roosma, F., & Achterberg, P. (2023). More than a free lunch: A content analysis of the controversies surrounding Universal Basic Income on Dutch Twitter. Social Policy & Society . Advance online publication.
  5. The closing educational gap in e-privacy management in European persp…

    Maineri, A., Achterberg, P., & Luijkx, R. (2023). The closing educational gap in e-privacy management in European perspective. Sociological Research Online, 28(1), 37-57.

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