Meike Reusken MSc

Meike Reusken MSc

PhD Candidate

TiSEM: Tilburg School of Economics and Management
TiSEM: Center Ph. D. Students


Meike Reuksen (26) is a PhD candidate at the Zero Hunger Lab of Tilburg University, supervised by Frans Cruijssen, Dick den Hertog and Hein Fleuren. She is working together with the United Nation’s World Food Programme and the Dutch Food Bank to find innovative and sustainable solutions to tackle hunger in the Netherlands and worldwide. Meike believes that the UN 2030 agenda is crucial to all members of society and believes that the call to action should be that everyone must incorporate it into their daily lives, but she is particularly passionate about hunger, poverty and sustainability.

CV Meike Reusken


Background information

Meike is dutch and lives in Rotterdam. Her academic background is diverse as she studied multiple disciplines over the past years. She received her Bachelor in International Business Administration at the Erasmus University for which she attended a semester abroad at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Additionally, Meike holds two master titles, in Economics (Erasmus University) and in Econometrics (Tilburg University).

Before Meike started at the Tilburg University, she worked for various companies (ORTEC, Willis Towers Watson, Nationale-Nederlanden) and spend her time helping voluntary organisations (Unie van Vrijwilligers, Raleigh International).

PhD information

Starting date: 15-06-2020
Expected date of completion: 15-06-2024
External funding: Horizon Europe (ZEROW Project funded through the Farm to Fork strategy of EU’s Green Deal)
Working title: "Optimization in an uncertain environment serving humanitarian supply chains" 


  • 390940-M-6 / Supply Chain Decision-Making (master Supply Chain Management)
  • 35V3A4-B-6 / Inventory and Production Management  (third year bachelor Econometrics & OR)
  • 35B108-B-6 / Lineaire Optimalisering  (first year bachelor Econometrics & OR)
  • 35B208-B-6 / Improving Society Lab for EOR  (first year bachelor Econometrics & OR)

Meike is also a supervisor for master students.



  • Voedselbank Nederland
  • UN World Food Programme
  • Wageningen University 

Recent publications

  1. Vehicle routing with stochastic demand, service and waiting times — T…

    Reusken, M., Laporte, G., Rohmer, S. U. K., & Cruijssen, F. (2024). Vehicle routing with stochastic demand, service and waiting times — The case of food bank collection problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 317(1), 111-127.
  2. A food bank supply chain model: Optimizing investments to maximize fo…

    Reusken, M., Cruijssen, F., & Fleuren, H. A. (2023). A food bank supply chain model: Optimizing investments to maximize food assistance. International Journal of Production Economics, 261, Article 108886.

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