two students and professor

Discovering the Dutch

In the course Discovering the Dutch, you will explore a number of themes in Dutch society from different interdisciplinary aspects such as history and sociology. We go beyond the “windmills, cheese and tulips” and anecdotal evidence of how the Dutch are different, and focus on really understanding and explaining what ‘makes the Dutch tick’.

You will learn to compare and contrast Dutch culture with other cultures, highlighting both commonalities and distinctions to enhance your intercultural competence. The course will empower you to effectively convey insights about Dutch culture in relation to your own culture, allowing for meaningful cross-cultural communication. 

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Describe aspects of Dutch society and culture in a global context;
  • Analyze themes in Dutch society from both a historical and intercultural perspective;
  • Critically compare and contrast Dutch culture with other cultures, identifying similarities and differences;
  • Convey ideas and information about Dutch culture, in relation to your own culture in a way that facilitates communication between cultures.

Target audience

This course is recommended for international students (exchange or degree seeker) who wish to understand Dutch culture and society at a deeper level.


  • This course is taught on campus.
  • 80% attendance is required.
  • In the event of an insufficient number of participants, the Language Center reserves the right to cancel a course.

Discovering the Dutch in short

Duration and course format7 x 2-hour classes + final presentations, 3 ECTS
StartEnd of August and end of January
Course fee
  • Students Tilburg University: 6 Language Vouchers or € 432
  • Staff Tilburg University: the first Dutch course is free of charge for the employee but will be paid by the School/Service. If you have already participated in a Dutch course at the Language Center, you pay € 450
  • Alumni Tilburg University: € 450
  • External participants: € 510
Read moreCourse information and Timetable


This course is intended for everyone who is highly educated. This means that you have a diploma at havo or vwo level and are therefore eligible to attend Higher Education in the Netherlands.

In our conditions, you can find more information about the registration period, etc.

Student at Tilburg University
  • Students can register and deregister during the registration period via OSIRIS.
  • On the page cashing in language vouchers, you can find, amongst other things, more information about how to register if you have no vouchers or insufficient vouchers and the registration period.

Read our conditions before registration.

Staff member at Tilburg University
  • The first Dutch course will be covered by the School/Service. If you have already participated in a Dutch course at the Language Center, you can join this language course at a reduced rate. The fees can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form.
  • Registration is possible from the moment the timetable for the course is available.
    Check the (de-) registration deadlines.

Read our conditions before registration.

Alumnus of Tilburg University
  • Tilburg University alumni can take this language course at a reduced rate. The costs can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form.
  • Registration is possible from the moment the timetable for the course is available.
    Check the (de-) registration deadlines.

Read our conditions before registration.

External participant
  • Professionals from outside Tilburg University can take this language. The costs can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form.
  • Registration is possible from the moment the timetable for the course is available.
    Check the (de-) registration deadlines.

Read our conditions before registration.