woman with camera

Dragons Den | GEW 2024

Date: Time: 14:00 Location: Grasso Den Bosch

On Friday, November 15, we will close the Global Entrepreneurship Week with the the Dragons' Den. Seven startups, one from each knowledge institution of Brabant will be on stage for the dragons in Grasso Den Bosch.
Seven promising startups, each one from a different knowledge institution (TU/e, Tilburg University, JADS, Avans, Fontys, BUas, and HAS), are set to light up the stage and dazzle the dragons.

These seven eager startups will present their pitches and funding requests to our panel of heavyweights from the student fund Round One, and Midpoint Brabant. Who will win the coveted investment? What queries will the investors pose? Which aspects need fine-tuning? 

It's not just the prestige at stake - there's also the chance of securing funding from one or more investors. It's an afternoon that promises to be entertaining, insightful, and educational. Who knows? Maybe next time, it will be you up on that stage with your startup! 

The day doesn't end there - join us for an evening of drinks and networking, where you'll have the chance to mingle with other startups and investors. It's your time to shine in the entrepreneurial arena! Your Dragons' Den Adventure. 


Dragons Den GEW