
What a Circus!

Date: Time: 15:00 Location: Blackbox, Esplanade building, campus Tilburg University

In this event we will explore the contemporary circus and its audience. Contemporary circus focuses more on the story, the characters and the form, combined with life-threatening tricks, breathtaking stunts and incredible body movements. (*SG certificate)

Time: 15:00 - 16:30 hrs.  
Free entrance (register to be sure of a seat).

Register for this event here

What a circus!

Most people think of the traditional circus when they hear the word “circus.” It features clowns, animal acts, acrobatics, juggling, and such.
But contemporary circus is more diverse. It is always in motion, changing form and content, making it unpredictable and never boring.

The Tilburg based circus festival ‘Festival Circolo’ sees contemporary circus as ‘a lovechild of circus, theatre, dance, music, design, visual arts and everything that is fantasized about’ that offers a place to come together.

Yet, this view on circus isn’t widely perceived as such. Why is this?

We will (re)introduce you to this art form and attempt to answer questions about the attraction of contemporary circus, unfamiliarity with or even resistance to this way of artistically expressing oneselves.

Our speakers

  • Cedric Stalpers

    Cedric Stalpers

    Lecturer at the department of Psychology

    Lecturer Cedric Stalpers (Tilburg University, department of Psychology)  dove into this issue en researched why the general public is unfamiliar with nouveau cirque. 

  • Lucho Smit

    Lucho Smit

    Artistical director of Festival Circolo

    Artistical director of Festival Circolo Lucho Smit is an experienced circus creator who has earned his spurs in the circus world, he will share his view on the contemporary circus and the interaction between circus makers and audience.

More information

This symposium is organized by Studium Generale in cooperation with Festival Circolo.

Contact: Annelieke Koster (Studium Generale).

* For students, this symposium may count towards the SG-Certificate. Check the SG-Certificate website for all the terms and conditions.

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