Bos, kunstwerk

Guided Tour Lustwarande

Date: Time: 12:00 Location: De Oude Warande: the forest next to campus

Unique sculptures in the campus backyard! Is it a rocket, totem, or phallic symbol? Interpreting sculptures can be challenging. Join Studium Generale for a guided tour of the Lustwarande exhibition in the forest next to the campus.

Time: 12:00-13:00 hrs.

Only for students and Tilburg University Staff. Free participation and program guide. Reservation required.
Register here for the guided tour

Expositie Lustwarande

Since 2000, Lustwarande has invited many internationally renowned artists and young talents. This year, they will be exploring the theme of "Arbos." Get inspired by their figurative and abstract sculptures. The participating artists are: 

Gerbrand Burger (NL) - Gesine Grundmann (DE) - Roman Gysin (CH) - Abul Hisham (IN) - Milda Lembertaitė (LT) - Bart Lunenburg (NL) - Henrique Oliveira (BR)- Maria Roosen (NL) - Elmo Vermijs (NL) - Tatiana Wolska (PL)

Curator: Chris Driessen, artistic director Lustwarande


The fourteenth edition of Lustwarande focuses exclusively on the use of wood in contemporary sculpture, a fundamental material in art for centuries. This takes place amidst the trees, emphasizing the essence of De Oude Warande, arbos, derived from the Latin word for trees.

From Tree to Sculpture

Whether you're an avid art enthusiast or simply enjoy a day out in nature, the exhibition has something for everyone. Visit and discover how young, international artists have been given complete artistic freedom to create works that explore themes such as sustainability, identity, and social cohesion.

Practical Information 

  • On Tuesday, September 24, we offer an English-language tour from 12:00 - 13:00.
  • We also offer two Dutch-language tours from 12:00 - 13:00 and from 16:00 - 17:00. These will take place on September 10

Starting point: 12:00 at the logo sculpture of Tilburg University on the west side of campus (towards De Oude Warande).

After the tour there is an opportunity to have a drink together at Grotto.


This guided tour is organized by Lustwarande in cooperation with  Studium Generale.

Contact: Hannah van den Bosch (Studium Generale)

Picture: Photographer Maarten Nauw.

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