man, drumstel, donkere achtergrond

SG Film: The Sound of Metal

Date: Time: 20:00 Location: Auditorium (Aula), Cobbenhagen building, Tilburg University

Once a month you can enjoy the best movies on the screen of the auditorium. Two-time Oscar winner (best sound, best editing) Sound of Metal portrays a metal drummer whose nomadic rock life is turned upside down when he suddenly goes deaf.

Genre: Drama
Film Director: Darius Marder
Starring: Riz Ahmed, Olivia Cooke, Paul Raci, Lauren Ridloff, Mathieu Amalric.
Language: English, American sign language, French – Subtitles: English
Time: 20:00-22:00 hrs. Free entrance (no registration required). Entrance Cobbenhagen building: see below.

Drummer turning deaf

Ruben (Riz Ahmed) is a noise metal drummer. Shirtless and full of coiled intensity, he hammers out ferocious sets with his girlfriend and bandmate. But with each show, a persistent ringing in his ears worsens until sound drops out altogether. For a deaf musician and his partner who’ve built their precarious existence doing what they know and love, what happens now? If he can’t recover his hearing, who will he become?

The sound of metals

As this drummer explores medical interventions to restore his hearing and begins to learn about both the experience and the culture of deafness, he confronts the gap between external sounds and that tinny inner noise he can’t shake: the sound of metal.

‘’ Sound of Metal understands the gift that is hearing and the blessings of silence alike.’’
-Boston Globe

“The film is profound, frightening, uplifting and, yes, actually breathtaking at times, and you're not likely to take your hearing for granted anytime soon afterward.’’
-USA Today

Movies on the big screen on campus

Once a month, you can enjoy the best movies on the big screen on campus:

More information

SG Film Nights are organized by Studium Generale. 
Contact: Annelieke Koster (Studium Generale).


Entrance Cobbenhagen building

The Cobbenhagen building can be entered

  • via the Koopmans building, and subsequently the glass corridor to the Cobbenhagen building, till 19:00 hrs.
    The Koopmans building is closed after 19:00 hrs.
  • via the main entrance of the Cobbenhagen building at the side of the Hogeschoollaan (near the pond). 
  • for disabled and wheelchair users, access is possible via the Koopmans building, or via an alternative entrance from the Warande parking lot and a side entrance to the glass corridor.

For more information, see also Campus map and buildings, and for assistance, please call +31 (0)13 - 466 3000 (Security).

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